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Miss Bloomingdale, her architect, and builders have designed a wonderful facility for child growth and development. Distinctive features include a 1.1 acre playground with multiple opportunities for large muscle development and creativity. In addition to swings, slides, climbing, and balance boards are tricycle tracks, covered bridges, playhouses, and gazebos. The playground is in a wooded, serene area.
Classrooms have stages, creative play areas, quiet library corners,

block-building areas, and child-size cabinets, sinks, and fountains.

There are carpeted areas and hard floor areas for messy activities

such as easel painting and clay modeling.

Other distinctive features:
  • Visitor’s area where parents may stop in for lunch or a break with their child.

  • Large Library.

  • A multi-purpose room used for play in inclement weather.

  • Closed Circuit TV everywhere so that a parent may drop in to view their child at work or play, and to observe spontaneously.

  • A large teacher’s lounge and preparation area.

  • Commercial kitchen to serve hot, nutritious, well-balanced meals.

  • Multiple large playgrounds in park-like setting

  • Shallow swimming pool and small splash pool

  • Comfortable napping facilities.

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